“Katakanlah (wahai Muhammad): “Perhatikan dan fikirkanlah apa yang ada di langit dan di bumi dari segala kejadian yang menakjubkan, yang membuktikan keesaan Allah dan kekuasaanNya). Dalam pada itu, segala tanda dan bukti (yang menunjukkan kekuasaan Allah), dan segala Rasul (yang menyampaikan perintah-perintah Allah dan memberi amaran), tidak akan memberi faedah kepada orang-orang yang tidak menaruh kepercayaan kepadanya.”

Yunus: 101

Monday 23 January 2012


The history of soap manufacturing

Soaps can be prepared through saponification. What is saponification?


general equation,

What is fat?

What happen to the fat during saponification?

Consider this reaction;
                                                        hydrolysis reaction
Fats/oil in concentrated sodium hydroxide   à Fatty acid +  glycerol    
Fatty acid + alkali/sodium ion à sodium salt fatty acid/soap + water

Overall:  Fats/oil  +  alkali/sodium ion à   soap  +  glycerol

Preparation of soap by saponification

Procedure :

1.   10 cm3 of palm oil is measured with measuring cylinder 10ml and poured into a beaker 250ml.
2.   50 cm3 of concentrated sodium hydroxide solution 5 mol dm-3 measured with measuring cylinder 50ml and poured in the beaker.
3.   The mixture is heated and stirred with glass rod until its boiling for 5 minutes. Then, the flame is turned off and the mixture is left to cool.
4.   50 cm3 water and a few spatulas of sodium chloride was added to the mixture and boiled again for 5 minutes. Then, the flame is turned off and the mixture is left to cool.
[white precipitate is formed and floats].
5.   The mixture is filtered with filter paper, and the residue (soap) is washed by distilled water.


Soap                     Chemical formula
Sodium palmitate        CH3(CH2)14COONa
Sodium stearate          CH3(CH2)16COONa
        Sodium oleat     CH3(CH2)CH=CH(CH2)COOK

  • Potassium soap is usually used for bathing because its more softer and milder than sodium. 


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