“Katakanlah (wahai Muhammad): “Perhatikan dan fikirkanlah apa yang ada di langit dan di bumi dari segala kejadian yang menakjubkan, yang membuktikan keesaan Allah dan kekuasaanNya). Dalam pada itu, segala tanda dan bukti (yang menunjukkan kekuasaan Allah), dan segala Rasul (yang menyampaikan perintah-perintah Allah dan memberi amaran), tidak akan memberi faedah kepada orang-orang yang tidak menaruh kepercayaan kepadanya.”

Yunus: 101

Tuesday 24 January 2012


The cleansing action of soap and detergent
The cleansing action for soaps and detergent results from their ability;
i.                    to lower the surface tension of water,
ii.                  to emulsify oil or grease / dirt, and
iii.                to hold them in suspension in water.

This ability is due to the structure of soaps and detergent

Structure of soaps
Soap consists of sodium/potassium cations and soap anions.
When a sodium/potassium soap is dissolve in water, it will form soap anions and sodium ion, Na+ or potassium ion, K+

Sodium soap     à soap anions + sodium cations  [Na+]
Potassium soap à soap anions + potassium cations [K+]

What is soap anions?

From the diagram above shows that the structure of  soap anions consists of,
i.               hydrocarbon chains known as hydrophobic part
ii.             carboxylate/ionic group known as hydrophilic part

Structure of  detergent
Detergent  of sodium cations and detergent anions.
When a detergent is dissolve in water, it will form detergent anions and sodium ion, Na+.

What is detergent anions?

i)   Sodium alkyl sulphate detergent

From the diagram above shows that the structure of  alkyl sulphate anions consists of,
     i.    hydrocarbon/alkyl chains known as hydrophobic part
     ii.   sulphate/ionic group known as hydrophilic part

i)   Sodium alkyl benzene sulphonate detergent

From the diagram above shows that the structure of  alkyl benzene sulphonate anions consists of,
i.                    hydrocarbon/alkyl benzene chains known as hydrophobic part
ii.                  sulphonate/ionic group known as hydrophilic part

Remember this;
In water, soap and detergent dissolves to form soap anions and detergent anions. The anions will carry out the cleansing action, because these anions consists of hydrophobic and hydrophilic part.
  • Hydrophobic is water-hating part, is soluble in oil/grease/dirt, but insoluble in water.
  • Hydrophilic  is water-loving part, is soluble in water but insoluble in oil/grease/dirt.
  • Both of the properties of anions, makes soap and detergent act as an effective cleansing agent.

How soap and detergent carry out the cleansing action?

-  The cloth is dipped in a soap or detergent solutions.
-  Soap and detergent reduces the surface tension of water.
-  This increase the wetting ability of water, therefore the surface of
   the cloth is wetted thoroughly.

-   Hydrophilic part dissolves in water.
-   Hydrophobic part dissolves in dirt/grease.

-   Mechanical agitation during scrubbing helps pull the dirt/grease
    free, and break the grease into small part.

-   The droplets do not coagulate and redeposit on the surface of the
    cloth because the repulsion between the negative charges on their
-   The droplets is suspended in the water forming an emulsion.
-   Rinsing washes away these droplets and leaves the surface clean.
The effectiveness action of soap and detergent

Advantages of soap
1.         Soap are effective cleaning agent in soft water.
-  Soft water did not contains Mg2+ ions and Ca2+ ions.
     -  Example: rain water, tap water

2.         Soap does not  polluted the environment.
-  Soap is biodegradable (can be decomposed by bacteria)
   because it was made from substance that found in animal
   and plant.

3.         Soap will not harmed the aquatic life.
-  Soap will not change pH value of river and pool because
    soap is salt and weak alkali.

Disadvantage of soap
    1.  Soap is not suitable for use in hard water.
-          Hard water contains Mg2+ ions and Ca2+  ions.
-          Example:  Sea water, river water

Why not suitable?
-          Mg2+ and Ca2+ ions react with the soap ions to form an insoluble precipitate known as soap scum.
-          Soap scum reduces the amount of soap available for cleaning, thus wasting soap.
-          Soap scum does not rinse away easily.
-          Soap scum can form deposits on clothes causing them to be grey or yellow in colour.

     2.   Soap did not effective in acidic water.
            -    Soap ion react with ion H+ to produce carboxylic acid

Advantage of detergent
  1. Detergent is effective in hard and soft water.
-          Detergent do not form scum with hard water.
-          Detergent form soluble substances with calcium or magnesium ions.

  1. Detergent effective in acidic water
   -   Detergent ion did not combine with H+ .

  1. Detergent is synthetic cleansing agent.
     -  Structure of the hydrocarbon chain can be modified to   
         produce detergents with specific properties.

Disadvantage of detergent
  1. Detergent can cause pollution to environment
-          Detergents not biodegradable, so that it cannot be   
    decomposed by bacteria

  1. Detergent harmed to aquatic life   
         -  Detergent contains phosphate fertilizer will increases the
             growth of seaweed and algae in pond or river. Lots of
             soluble oxygen in water will be use up by bacteria to
             decompose seaweed and algae when the plant died.
             The content of oxygen in water decreases, thus can kill
             aquatic life.

  1. Detergent produce a lot of foam.
      -  Foam can cover the water surface and prevent the
         oxygen dissolves into water, thus will kill aquatic life.

 Additives in detergent
The main substance in detergent is sodium alkyl benzene sulphonate and sodium alkyl sulphate. Example of detergent is shampoo, clothes washing powder and dishes washing liquid.

Various type of additive is also added to  detergent to enhance the cleaning efficiency and to meet the needs of consumers.  

Whitening agent (sodium perborate)
React as bleach agent to vanished the colour stain but did not fade the colour of the clothes.
Biological enzymes (amilase, lipase, protease, selulase)
React to substance that in organic properties like blood, food and water. Enzymes dissolve and change it to substance that can dissolve in water.
Fluorescent agent
Make the clothes more white, shiny and bright.
Buildup agent
(sodium tripoliphosphate)
Soften hard water, expel ion Mg2+ dan Ca2+ . increase the pH value
Drying agent
(sodium sulphate,
Sodium silicate)
Ensured that the detergent is always in a dry condition.
To prevent the formation of foam
To make clothes smell fresh and clean.
Antiseptic substance
To kill all microorganism that cause disease and smell.


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